Monday, 28 June 2010

Cooling walk at British Camp, Malverns

These last few days have been so hot and muggy working in the woodland workshop where I've been bowl turning, I took a break and went up to British Camp to go and cool down.
A beautiful refreshing breeze with a slight haze in the distance threatening rain, gave me chance to sketch a few scenes. I remember coming up here last summer quite a few times and my style has progressed a bit since then. Compare this same scene  in the top picture with last years painting british camp 2009 .

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Shows up and down Shropshire

This is a picture of my pitch at the Hit and Run Art Show, Ellesmere, June 13th 2010. Footfall was a little low compared to last year apparently and the rain didn't help I think. I wasn't even sure what hanging system would be available when we turned up - or if we had to bring our own easels, but the organizers were extremely helpful and supportive. I met some very nice artists who also exhibit at SPACE in Ellesmere and even traded some beautiful cutout artwork with a fellow exhibitor.

Thursday, 17 June 2010